Intellectual security



Pres. Hatoyama's essay is stirring controversy
across a variety of communities overseas
The perception gap on intellectual property
for sensitive materials such as this essay*
in Japan and the rest of the world
is simply enormous

The key is in the PR strategy
We ought to have a commensurate
PR strategy if we are to boast
as the second largest economic power

Note: The essay in question was published in various sources including International Herald Tribune, the Huffington Post, etc,. The Japanese-written essay originated from an article contributed to a conservative publication VOICE on 10 August along with an English translation on Pres. Hatoyama's official website. The 'abridged' version of the essay was published in various international sources on 26 August, during the election campaign period. The content of the abridged version caused an uproar of criticisms across the globe due to its apparent criticism of U.S.-led globalization effort. Pres. Hatoyama later denied that his office has given the consent to reprint and syndicate the essay for overseas publication. The publisher of VOICE also admitted that he has not given any permission for the international sources to reprint or syndicate the essay. However, the editor also admitted that he has not only truncated the essay but also added some words instead of the original. It is uncertain as to whom the blame for unauthorized reprint and alleged tampering would go.
