
Always have that burning heart

Every once in a while You just lose it But something reminded me that you can always haveSomething burning in your heart なにかと 自分を失いかける時がある でも 思い出した いつも心に何か燃えているものがあることを

T'was Then

We were once way ahead of the crowd We could anticipate We could feel others T'was then かつては 通じ合っていた 察することができた 感じることができた かつての話

The Vow

The actress from the same movie The one we were both so fond of And it made me want the worst To have her lose all her memories with me Because that may just help her out of the abyss I only wish her to be happy Just like him in the movie …

Choices are infinite

There's only so much you can do in your life And yet what you can choose is almost infinite Life is finitepossibilities aren't 人生でやれることは かぎられている だがそれでも 自分で選べることは 無限大にある 人生はかぎりあるもの 可能性は∞に…

Show 'em the light

Show me the light they say Then learn how to 'show' I say Let there be light So they can shine on 光明を見せてほしい と彼らは言う 「魅せる」方法を学びなさい と私は言う 彼らに光あれ どうか彼らを輝かせたまえ

A day that lives on

It's within me as an unforgettable day A day we can't forget What it isn't A day for festivities It's a day that lives on March 11, 2012 忘れてはならない日 わかってる 忘れようもない でもイベントの日 ではない 噛み締める日だ 2012年3月11日